Set in two vacant floors of the Lipstick Building at 53rd and 3rd in Manhattan.
With Trisha Baga, Rachel Harrison, Craig Kalpakjian, Becca Lieb, and David Muenzer. Curated by David Muenzer
With Trisha Baga, Rachel Harrison, Craig Kalpakjian, Becca Lieb, and David Muenzer. Curated by David Muenzer

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2010 - 2011
materials: wood, silk boucle, urethane, standing fan
variable dimensions

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with David Muenzer
materials: Kvadrat steelcut trio, urethane, poplar, staples
300 x 9 x 1 in
[reinstalled 2012]

stunt double
materials: two paintings hung on opposite sides of shared office window, one office dark, the other lit, mohair velvet, canvas, wood, acrylic, urethane, hardware
variable dimension

materials: canvas, latex, wood
20 x 20 x 2 in